The Rehoboth Beach Museum makes it easy to donate!  Donate with debit and credit cards, or use your PayPal account.
Here's how this works:
Note: Paypal is a secure site!
  1. Click the "PayPal" button
  2. A Paypal window will open
  3. Choose the amount you wish to donate
  4. Do you wish to make this a monthly donation?
  5. Choose to pay with your Paypal account or a debit/credit card
  6. Complete the form and return to the Museum's web site

Further Instructions:
Here's how this works:
  1. Click the "PayPal" button
  2. A Paypal window will open
  3. Choose the amount you wish to donate
  4. Do you wish to make this a monthly donation?
  5. Choose to pay with your Paypal account or a debit/credit card
  6. Complete the form and return to the Museum's web site

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